Gebwiler, Hieronymus. Epitoma regii ac vetustissimi ortus sacrae cesaree atque catholice majestatis… Ferdinandi, Boemie regis, Hispaniarum infantis [...] omniumque austriacorum archiducum principumque habsburgensium.

Strasbourg, Grüninger, 1527.

4to. LIX (but: 61) ff., final blank leaf. With 2 title woodcuts and 49 woodcuts in the text (including some repeats). 19th century unsophisticated boards.


First edition of this popular genealogy of the Habsburg monarchy, published nearly simultaneously with the German translation. The Alsatian Catholic humanist and educator Gebwiler (ca. 1473-1545; cf. ADB VIII, 486f.) was a friend of Jacob Wimpfeling and counted Beatus Rhenanus among his students. The title woodcuts show the Imperial Eagle on the left, holding in its claws a many-headed hydra, and on the right the Habsburg peacock with a rooster and a lion in its claws. The other woodcuts include a half-page illustration of the Imperial Eagle and 48 small portraits of historical personages.

Spine end corner professionally repaired. Some slight duststaining; a faint dampstain to the upper margin of a few pages. A few minor edge flaws and traces of handling, but a fair copy.


VD 16, G 594. BM-STC German 334. Muller II, 47, 254. Ritter 944. Ritter Cat. 1070. Schmidt 232. Cf. Lipperheide Ea 1 (1530 edition only).

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