"L'Estampe originale": A Toulouse-Lautrec for a Renoir

Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de, French painter and illustrator (1864-1901). Autograph letter signed ("HTLautrec").

[Arcachon, Gironde, 1894-1895].

4to. 2 pp.


In French, written from his summer holidays in Arcachon to the publisher André Marty concerning the publication of a lithograph in the print portfolio "L'Estampe originale". In place of royalties, Toulouse-Lautrec asks for proofs of prints by Eugène Carrière and Pierre-Auguste Renoir from an earlier issue: "Merci de votre bonne lettre, quand au règlement de ma litho je vous répondrai sans artifice. Avez vous un exemplaire en trop du Carriere et du Renoir de la 1ère année. Si oui écrivez le mot specimen derrière et nous sommes quittes [...]". In a short postscript, he asks Marty to take care of some of Yvette Guilbert's belongings: "J'ai reçu une fort aimable lettre d'Yvette. Gardez les choses à Guilbert chez vous".

Henri Toulouse-Lautrec contributed several lithographs to the short-lived but highly influential publication "L'Estampe originale," including the first album cover and the concluding piece of the final portfolio with the names of the contributing artists. The prints he is asking for are Renoir's portrait of his son Pierre ("Tête d'enfant") and Eugène Carrière's portrait of his wife ("Tête") from the fourth album, 1893. Among his contributions to "L'Estampe originale" are two portraits of the singer and actress Yvette Guilbert (1865-1944), who was one of Toulouse-Lautrec's favorite subjects. In 1894 he dedicated an entire print album to Guilbert, also published by Marty, immortalizing her as the epitome of La Belle Époque.

On stationery with printed letterhead "GD Café de la Place Thiers F. Repetto Arcachon". Traces of folds and slightly creased with insignificant tears to the right edge.

Stock Code: BN#52913 Schlagwort: