[Israel Defense Forces]. Ma’Rechet Sinai “Mivza Kadesh” (The Sinai War "Operation Kadesh").

Tel Aviv, Hotsa'at Matkal, Ketsin hinukh rashi, 'Anaf hasbarah, 1957.

4to. 3-36, (2) pp. With 1 folding map of the Sinai Peninsula (450 x 692 mm) in rear pocket. Original printed wrappers.


Rare contemporary account of the 1956 Israeli "Operation Kadesh" in Sinai during the Suez Crisis, under the chief of staff of the IDF, Moshe Dayan, in Hebrew. Israeli military planning for this operation hinged on control of four main military objectives: Sharm el-Sheikh, Arish, Abu Uwayulah (Abu Ageila), and the Gaza Strip. Moshe Dayan's plan put an emphasis on air power combined with mobile battles of encirclement. Israeli forces would in a series of swift operations encircle and then take the main Egyptian strong points in the Sinai. Reflecting this emphasis on encirclement was the "outside-in" approach of "Kadesh", which called for Israeli paratroopers to seize distant points first, with those closer to Israel to be seized later. Thus, the 202nd Paratroop Brigade commanded by Colonel Ariel Sharon was to land in the far-western part of the Sinai to take the Mitla Pass and thereby cut off the Egyptian forces in the eastern Sinai from their supply lines. The map shows the main troop movements on the peninsula, highlighting military objectives such as Sharm-el-Sheikh as well as the landing points of the Paratroop Brigade.

Only 6 copies worldwide, 4 of which in the United States, and one in the Jewish National Library in Jerusalem.

A little worn at the edges, otherwise very well preserved.


OCLC 763138388.

Stock Code: BN#52380 Schlagwörter: , , , ,