[Jesuit printing in Lebanon]. Kitab as-Salawat muqtatafah min al-kutub ar-ruhiya.

Beirut, Matbaat al-'Aba' al-Yasuiyin, 1876.

16mo (60 x 88 mm). 448 pp. Text printed within red double rules. Contemporary green full morocco, covers and spine prettily giltstamped. Floral endpapers. All edges red, goffered with gilt stars.


An anthology of prayers issued by the Jesuit Fathers of the Lebanon, translated into Arabic from Latin (or possibly Spanish), issued in support of the Jesuits' missionary work in the Muslim Middle East. The index contains references to various notable personalities of the Jesuit Order, such as the founder, St Ignatius Loyola, Luigi Gonzaga, Francesco Saverio, Stanislaus Kostka, and others.

Lower hinge professionally repaired. A rare, prettily bound volume.

Stock Code: BN#52232 Schlagwörter: , , ,