Chenu, Jean Charles / Des Murs, Marc Athanase Parfait Oeillet. La fauconnerie ancienne et moderne.

Paris, L. Hachette, 1862.

8vo. (4), 176 pp. With woodcut title-vignette, 45 numbered and several unnumbered woodcut illustrations in the text. Later half calf with giltstamped spine and spine-title.


First edition.

A classic of falconry, this pocket-sized manual is a supplement to the second volume of the ornithological textbook "Leçons élémentaires sur l'histoire naturelle des oiseaux" (1862-63) by the French zoologist Chenu (1808-79) and the ornithologist Des Murs (1804-94). The illustrations show various kinds of falcons, as well as their training and typical flight paths, sometimes displaying specific parts of the birds' bodies like wings and claws in detail. Figure no. 5 ("Faucon sur une Gazelle") is copied from the plate of "Goshawk and Gazelle" by Joseph Wolf, which forms the frontispiece to Richard F. Burton's 1852 work "Falconry in the Valley of the Indus".

Ownership of Charles Henry Stanley Garton (b. 1920), dated Kingswood, 24 February 1942, to front pastedown. Paper evenly browned throughout; tiny marginal tear to p. 29f. Partly uncut copy.


Harting 200. Schwerdt I, 109. Thiébaud 192. Souhart 100. OCLC 944664144.

Stock Code: BN#51191 Schlagwörter: ,