Only Arabic edition of the Life of St Marguerite

Languet [de Gergy, Jean Joseph]. Le trésor caché dans la dévotion au sacré-coeur de Jésus ou vie de la B. Marguerite M. Alacoque [...]. Traduite par un père de la Compagnie de Jésus, missionaire à Saida en 1735, et imprimee aux frais des Religieuses Syriennes des SS. CC. de Jésus et de Marie.

Beirut, Imprimerie Catholique, 1886.

8vo. (4), 3, (1), 9-24, 374 pp. With 2 steel-engraved portrait plates (one bound as a frontispiece). Contemporary marbled half calf with giltstamped Arabic title to spine.


First and only Arabic edition of this Life of St Marguerite-Marie Alacoque (1647-90), the French mystic who promoted devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus in its modern form. First published in French in 1729. The author Jean Joseph Languet de la Villeneuve de Gergy (1677-1753) was the archbishop of Sens (Auxerre).

With separate title in Arabic. Printed entirely in Arabic save for the French title and dedicatory preface. Binding somewhat rubbed and chafed in places, paper lightly browned, but well preserved. Extremely rare; no copy in library catalogues internationally.

Stock Code: BN#50875 Schlagwörter: , , ,