"You brought freedom to Korea"

Kim Il-sung, Founder of North Korea and Leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (1912-1994). Autograph letter on silk signed ("Kim Il-sung").

[Pyongyang], 13. VIII. 1947.

Ink on blue silk, 696 x 530 mm. Stored in custom-made half morocco case.


Formal valedictory address to General Prokofy Logvinovich Romanenko (1897-1949): "Together with the Soviet heroic army, with your blood and your lives, you brought freedom to Korea. You made the Japanese invaders flee, made the enemies run and breathed happy, free, and new life into our nation. In the shortest time North Korea has destroyed the remains of the Japanese imperialistic forces. The People's Committee has became the true power of the people. Under its leadership we victoriously undertake all democratic changes. As a result we shall create such conditions that the people will live freely and happily in the Democratic Republic. Therefore, the people of Korea will never forget your work and your effort. Today we bid you farewell with the warmest gratitude. All the people of Korea will unite around the Committee and promise to fight to the end until the Democratic Republic is formed. We ask you to provide help in the future as well. We wish you health for the years to come. 13/8/1947. The chair of the People’s Committee of North Korea, Kim Il-sung" (transl.).

Folded. Includes a roughly contemporary Russian translation (pencil on ruled paper, 3 pp., oblong 8vo).

General Romanenko, one of the key Soviet military leaders of the Second World War, had been assigned to the East Siberian Military Region in 1945. He was one of the official Soviet liaisons with the temporary government of North Korea (the "People's Committee"), organised in 1946. Recently returned from the USSR in February 1946, Kim Il-sung was appointed chairman of the Committee, marking the beginning of his ascent to power. Romanenko was generally supportive of Kim’s efforts, in line with Soviet official policy: in 1946 he allowed 500 ethnically Korean Soviet citizens to enter North Korea, at Kim’s request. Most of them were administrative specialists or engineers.

Provenance: by descent to Koloss Prokofievich Romanenko (b. 1925), the son of Prokofy Romanenko; sold to a Russian private collection; acquired from the collector's heirs. Includes a copy of the previous owner's statement of acquisition.

Stock Code: BN#50872 Schlagwörter: , ,