Treating plague in Ottoman Turkey

[Gaudereau, Abbé Martin]. Relation des différentes espèces de peste que reconnoissent les orientaux, des précautions & des remedes qu'ils prennent pour en empêcher la communication & le progrès; et de ce que nous devons faire à leur exemple pour nous en préserver, & nous en guerir.

Paris, Etienne Ganeau & Jacques Quillau, 1721.

12mo. 134, (6) pp. Contemporary red morocco, triple gilt filet on covers, central royal coat of arms, gilt edges.


First edition. The priest Gaudereau (1663-1743) had gone to Persia in 1689 in the company of Bégnine Vachet, a director of the Seminary of Foreign Missions. Having arrived at Isfahan in late 1690, they joined François Sanson, another member of the Society of Foreign Missions sent by Louis XIV to the court of Shah Suleiman. After Sanson's departure in 1692, Gaudereau continued negotiations with Suleiman, after 1694 with Husayn. Having negotiated a military and commercial alliance between Persia and the French East India Company, he returned to Isfahan, which he quit for Europe in 1703. It was during this journey from Constantinople and Trabzon that in September 1704 he contracted the illness he describes in his book, which he based on his own experience, having miraculously survived.

Fine copy, bound for Philippe d'Orléans. From the library of Hyacinthe Théodore Baron (18th century engraved book plate).


Blake 169. OCLC 495355672. Not in Waller or Wellcome.

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