[Hungarian-Arabian horses.] - Her Britannic Majesty's Consulate, Trieste. Autograph letter signed.

Trieste, 14. VI. 1898.

8vo. 9 pp. On three bifolia attached to one another with green string.


A letter by a member of the British Consulate in Trieste, apparently written to a British official in Cyprus, responding to an enquiry regarding "the probable price of a pair of horses about 15 hands". "The kind of horses that you speak of are known here as 'Jukers', light, active, strong [...], fast trotting, able to go 14 kilometres an hour. A pair of horses of such description 5 years old & sound will cost about fls 1200 or say £100. Hungarian horses in my opinion will suit the best for your Island as they have Arab blood in them". The writer explains that he is not a dealer himself, "but being very fond of horses & having many native friends in India I have very often occasions to buy for them & also for my brother, who resides in Bombay at present". He explains that "no good horses are to be found in Trieste", and that "as a rule" he visits "the fairs in the interior" to buy horses. He names the four breeding farms of the Hungarian Government and describes the types of horses bred at each ("lastly the Fogaras stud, where stallions from the Lipizza private farm belonging to the Emperor are supplied"). Describes the auction of the "superfluous horses of these establishments of the age of 4 & 5" at "Tattersall's in Budapest in the 1st week of October", with prices for each type of horse, giving examples from his own experience. "Two British Cavalry officers belonging to the Egyptian Army came over here in the Autumn of 1896. They bought 60 remounts for the Egyptian cavalry. The Greek Cavalry & Artillery are wholly supplied with horses from Hungary". While discussing "sires for breeding purposes" he mentions that he knows "the Director of the Lipizza farm [...] personally" and gives the price at which he is offered superior horses by him. Ends with details of possible "charge for freight on each horse to Cyprus".

Text clear and complete.

Stock Code: BN#49331 Schlagwörter: , , , ,