[Dies Vitae]. Dies vitae adolescentis studiosi [...].

Kaschau (Košice), typis Academicis, 1718.

12mo. (4), 72 pp. Contemporary half calf over marbled boards.


This short manual for students gives an insight into student life in the 18th century, providing, inter alia, rules for suitable behaviour in class (e.g.: "before the teacher arrives, time should not be spent chatting, but revising lectures [and] explanations, which leaves less time to run around college uselessly", "maintain modesty, silence [and] attention, take brief notes in tidy handwriting to compile them at home in more detail", "the Latin language should always be used in school", "sharp, unnecessary and childish words should be avoided in conversation", cf. pp. 5f.), at the table ("Sitting down, do not reach for food and drink hastily, but follow the dignitaries", "when there is conversation at the table, do not speak with a full mouth", cf. p. 8) and on holidays ("Do not intrude on communion by force, but wait patiently in line", cf. p. 15), while also including various songs and prayers.

Contemporary ownership to front pastedown ("Conradus ab assumptione Beatae Genitricis [...] Mariae").

Front cover loosened. Larger brownstain to pp. 23f. From the library of the Viennese collector Werner Habel, with his ownership stamp to front pastedown. Extremely rare; no copy in OCLC; a copy is listed in the 1749 library catalogue of the Franciscan monastery of Nagybány (Baia Mare).


Petrik VII, s.v. E. Zvara (ed.), Katolikus intézményi könyvtárak Magyarországon Ferences könyvtárak 1681-1750. Függelék. Plébániák és más rendházak könyvtárai (Budapest 2008), p. 208.

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