Kuricke, Reinhold. Jus maritimum hanseaticum [...].

Hamburg, Zacharias Hertel, 1667.

4to. (8), 248, 120 pp. Title-page printed in red and black.

(Bound with) II: Böckler, Johann Heinrich / Binder, Friedrich. Civitas maritima [...]. Strasbourg, Simon Paulli, 1664. (2), 21, (1) pp.

(Bound with) III: Rhetz, Johann Friedrich / Weger, Albert. Disputatio juridica, de jure portuum, vom Recht der Meer-Haven [...]. Frankfurt an der Oder, no printer, 1671. (64) pp. Modern boards, spine with gilt lettered label.


First and only edition. An important book on the maritime laws of the Hanseatic League (Hanse), the commercial confederation of Northern European cities, Lübeck, Hamburg, Visby, Riga, and many other German, Swedish, Baltic and Dutch cities (including Zutphen in the Netherlands). It includes the text of the maritime laws as agreed in "Der erbahren Hanse-Stadte Schifs-Ordnung und See-Recht" (1614), here printed in double columns in German and Latin on pp. 1-76. This is followed by Kuricke's commentary and by a discourse on marine insurance. Kuricke was a jurist and secretary of the city of Danzig and the author of a valuable and voluminous history of that city, "Der Stadt Dantzig historische Beschreibung" (1687).

A few repairs to title, tiny and neat. A fine copy, bound with two contemporary dissertations on naval law.


VD 17, 1:020124N. Goldsmiths' 1843.

II: VD 17, 23:237193P - III: VD 17, 12:166186H.

Stock Code: BN#48634 Schlagwörter: , , , ,