For Italian merchants

Peri, Giovanni Domenico. Il negotiante. Diviso in quattro parti. Aggiuntovi in questa editione il Secretario di Banco di Mattia Cramero.

Venice, Giovanni Giacomo Hertz, 1697.

4to. 4 parts in 1 volume. (8), 208 pp. (12), 128, (4) pp. (8), 129, (5) pp., 1 blank leaf. (8), 51, (1) pp. With repeated vignette of a vessel on titles. Contemporary Italian full with gilt spine title. All edges sprinkled red.


One of Hertz's two 1697 issues of this important instructional work on bookkeeping (first printed in 1638; part three, here still issued under its original title "I frutti d'Albaro", is in its third edition; part four, first printed in 1665, in its second edition). "Peri was the first to be independent of the Venetian school" (Hausdorfer 188). Palgrave notes that the work "has much wider aims than the author would lead us to believe. It is a technical handbook for merchants, to teach them trading and book-keeping, treating at much length of the method of mercantile accounts called the system of double entry. It contains also interesting historical notices on the exchanges between the principal Italian and foreign cities [...] Following the impulse given to comparatively liberal opinions in public economy and commerce, as by Scaccia, Stracca, and other followers of commercialist doctrines, Peri demonstrates the importance of merchants, and pleads for them and commerce." Although this edition announces an additional part on commercial correspondence by Mattia Cramer, the present copy does not contain it.

Occasionally slightly browned and foxed; some wrinkles and dog-ears, otherwise well-preserved. Rare.


Goldsmiths'-Kress 3400 (without the additional part). Kress 2039 (idem). Kress, Italian 193 (idem). Einaudi 4393 (with the additional part). HAL lists editions of 1649, 1662, 1682 and 1707, but not the present one. Palgrave III, 94. Riccardi V, 120.

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