Blind, Karl, German revolutionist and writer (1826-1907). Autograph letter signed.

[London], 23. II. 1883.

8vo. 2½ pp. on bifolium.


To Miss Macgregor, returning her poem on Freyja. Comments on another Germanic mythological cycle and on the origin of Freyja: "I return with thanks your poem on Freyja's Roaming Guest for Odur, which I have read with much pleasure. I think Aurora, belonging to another cycle of mythology, should be replaced by Dawn. The East being, in Germanic love, the quarter where life awakes, as typified by the goddess Ostara, would perhaps better be called the 'glowing', instead of the 'slumb[e]rous' [...]".

On stationery with printed address.

Quite spotty and some damage to upper corner of fol. 2 (slightly touching text).