"I don't think I will ever come to America"

Andersen, Hans Christian, Danish poet (1805-1875). Autograph letter signed.

[Denmark], 31. III. 1870.

8vo. 2 pp.


To General Christensen, in Danish. Andersen states that it has been a "peculiar pleasure" to make his correspondent's acquaintance, remarking "There are men to whom we feel drawn at once at the first meetings, and who become dear to us, and you are such a man. It is wonderful to me to think of, that we will probably never meet again, for I don't think I will ever come to America, although I am certainly not wanting in the desire". The author further adds that he promised Christensen's wife a small bouquet, "but the flowers must be fresh; it is the colour grouping that has an effect, if the flowers are dried the effect is mostly gone. I must therefore choose such colours that will keep best, but the appearance at best is not promising; yet it is flowers and greens from Danish soil, and my cordial greeting, and remembrance of the land of your birth, you must take as an evidence of my sincere good will" and also writes "You will soon depart for the great land beyond the ocean, bring my friends, old and young, my heartfelt love, and if you meet Mr. Marcus Spring and his wife Rebecca, remember me to them [...] Remember me also to the publishers of the Riverside Magazine and my dear friend there, Mr. Horace C. Scudder [...]".

Accompanied by a contemporary English translation in the hand of Christensen and also including an A.L.S. by Christensen, two pages, 8vo, Copenhagen, 7th April 1903, to Miss. M. D. Holliday in Brooklyn, New York, in English. Christensen states that he is anxious to meet his correspondent's wishes, as a proof of his friendship, and sends her "a letter which I received [from] Hans Christian Andersen more than 32 years ago, on my first visit to my native city after 20 years absence", further commenting "It is a valuable memento indeed - the signatures of the roy[al?] persons are very difficult, almost impossible to obtain [...] But Andersen's letter is worth them all!" - Marcus Spring (1810-1874) American Cotton Merchant, creator of the Raritan Bay Union, a utopian community in New Jersey. Husband of Rebecca Buffum (1812-1911) from 1836.

Horace Scudder (1838-1902) American Man of Letters and Editor, best known for his children's books.

All three letters are slightly worn to the edges, evidently a result of them having been removed from an album, only very slightly affecting a few words of text, but not the signatures.

Stock Code: BN#46563 Schlagwort: