Arabic Versification

Freytag, Georg Wilhelm. Darstellung der arabischen Verskunst mit sechs Anhängen.

Bonn/Leipzig, in Commission bei Carl Cnobloch, 1830.

8vo. XV, (1), 557, (1) pp. German & Arabic text. Contemporary marbled boards with giltstamped spine label; sprinkled edges.


First edition of this compendium of Arabic versification. The German classicist and theologian Freytag (1788-1861) studied at Göttingen, but in his final year accepted an appointment as sub-librarian at Königsberg. In 1815 he became a chaplain in the Prussian Army and visited Paris in that capacity. Upon the proclamation of peace Freytag resigned his chaplaincy and returned to his research in Arabic, Persian, and Turkish, studying in Paris under Silvestre de Sacy. In 1819 he was appointed to the professorship of Oriental Languages at the new University of Bonn, and he held this post until his death. His principal work was the "Lexicon Arabico-Latinum" (Halle, 1830-1837), an abridgment of which was published in 1837.

Occasional browning; slight chipping to spine; early Swiss ownerships ("Dahler", "R. Tschudi", "Meier") to flyleaf. Stamp of "Stadt-Bibliothek Zürich" on upper cover; deaccessioned from the Zentralbibliothek Zürich (stamp on reverse of t. p.).


Zenker I, 342. Fück 166. Gay 3361.

Stock Code: BN#44786 Schlagwörter: , ,