Backhouse, Thomas William, Astronom (1842-1920). Eigenh. Brief mit U.

Sunderland, 13. I. 1902.

2¼ SS. auf Doppelblatt. 8vo.


An den Astronomen Gustav Müller: "I see in 'The Observatory" a statement that a committee wishes for the publication or communication of observations of variable stars. I have a number of observations of such stars which is my intention to discuss and publish at some period, but this would take a considerable time; so that probably you would like to have them sooner. Would you therefore advise that I should publish the observations as they are, without reduction? If so, I could do it as a publication from this Observatory; or would you recommend any other mode of publication? [...]".

Auf Briefpapier mit gepr. Briefkopf.

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