The Arabic Horologion

[Breviary in Arabic]. Al-Urulugiyun, ay al-sawa`i al-mustamil `ala salawat al-fard al-qanuniyya.

Dayr al-Shuwayr, Kisrawan, Lebanon, St. John the Baptist Monastery, 1822.

8vo. (10), 736 pp. Printed in red and black throughout. Contemporary blindstamped black calf binding.


The Arabic Horologion (following the Byzantine rite), containing the breviary, canonical prayers and hymns for the feast days of the Saints throughout the year. From the printing office of the Melkite monastery of St. John the Baptist at al-Shuwayr in the Lebanese Kisrawan mountains, operative between 1734 and 1899, during which time it produced in all 69 Arabic books, including re-editions (cf. Silvestre de Sacy I, pp. 412-414; Middle Eastern Languages and the Print Revolution. A Cross-Cultural Encounter, Westhofen 2002, pp. 179-181). Occasional insignificant brownstaining; slight chipping to extremeties of the appealing original binding. Rare: OCLC lists two copies only (at the University of Leiden and the Veech Library, Catholic Institute of Sydney, Australia).


OCLC 68525490, 224329156.

Stock Code: BN#44579 Schlagwörter: , ,