Arabic Psalter

[Biblia arabica - VT - Psalmi]. Davidis Regis et Prophetae Psalmi. Ex arabico in latinum idioma [...] redditi.

Rome, typographia Savariana, 1619.

4to. (8), 474, (8) pp. Title page printed in red and black. Contemporary vellum with ms. title to spine. Edges sprinkled in red.


Second edition of Savary's Arabic Psalter; more precisely, a re-issue of the 1614 original edition, with only the title changed and the remaining pages re-used from the first. Prepared by two Maronite scholars, Nasrallah Salaq al-'Aquri, better known as Victorius Scialac Accurensis, and Gabriel Sionita. "Scialac was one of the first Oriental Christian scholars who by his publications furthered the causes of both European Orientalism and Oriental Christianity. He taught Arabic and Syriac in the Roman University from 1610 to 1631" (Smitskamp, p. 161). The publication is famous for the clarity and elegance of its typeface created by Savary de Brèves: the extensive vocalisation helped this handy quarto volume achieve immense popularity among oriental scholars throughout Europe. Formerly it was assumed that the type design was based on specimens Savary had seen during his time as French envoy at Constantinople; today his probable model is believed to be a calligraphical manuscript from Qannubin, preserved in the Bibliotheca Vaticana. The cutting and founding of the types were done in Rome, in collaboration with Stefano Paolini, an experienced printer formerly of the Typographia Medicea. The Psalms' text is based on a manuscript Savary de Brèves had bought in Jerusalem (cf. Balagna, L’imprimerie arabe en occident, p. 55f.); as it occasionally departs from the Vulgate (as does the translation by the Maronites Sionita and Scialac), an extensive imprimatur was necessary.

The Arabic-Latin Psalter (1614/19) and Bellarmin's Arabic catechism (1613) would remain the only works to leave the Typographia Savariana in Rome; the types have survived and are now in the archives of the Imprimerie Nationale in Paris.

Occasional paper flaws professionally restored; insignificant brownstaining in places. A good copy.


Darlow/Moule 1643. Schnurrer 324 (note) & p. 505. Ebert 18088 (note). Brunet IV, 921 (note). STC 108. Cf. Smitskamp 33. Fück 56.

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