Costo, Tommaso. La apologia istorica del regno di Napoli. Contra la falsa opinione di coloro, che biasimarono i Regnicoli d'incostanza, & d'infedeltà.

Naples, Giovanni Domenico Roncagliolo, 1613.

4to. (20), 168 pp. Contemporary vellum with ms. title to spine.


Probably only edition of this apologetic publication by the Neapolitan historical writer Tommaso Costo (1560-1630). "Assai bello" (Lozzi).

Brownstained throughout. Contemp. ownership of the Neapolitan lawyer Francesco Jannectasio on title page. From the library of the Ducs de Luynes at the Château de Dampierre: their bookplate reproducing the arms of Charles Marie d'Albert de Luynes (1783-1839), 7th Duc de Luynes, on pastedown.


Libr. Vinciana 889. Lozzi 2996. Olschki (Choix) 20766. ICCU TO0E\007202.

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