Planning for his famous trip to Western Europe and working on a "suprematist" movie with Eisenstein

Malevich, Kazimir, Russian painter and art theoretician (1879-1935). Autograph letter signed.

Moscow, 23. II. 1927.

Large 8vo. 1½ pp. Written in red ink.


In Russian: a long letter to his third wife, Natalya Andreevna (née Manchenka, 1902-90), mentioning the making of a suprematistic movie, organising a shipment of his paintings and his trip to Poland: "[...] I'm totally upset now, more nervous than ever before, you realize that in everything I do. I ordered a box, for example, to put some paintings in, and it was quite useless; afterwards I ordered another, and again got the measurements all wrong. Finally, I managed, though just barely, wrapped the paintings and will ship them to the censorship office on Friday, and if I manage to do so I will buy a ticket, which costs 35 rubles to the border and another 35 rubles from there to Warsaw [...] My golden one, my beloved one, you're asleep and can't hear the tender words I whisper to you, but I repeat them every single night when I go to bed [...] I have to hurry to the studios. We are about to produce a suprematist movie. We have to work under pressure, as we will be joined by various animators [...]".


Malewitsch über sich. Zeitgenossen über Malewitsch. Briefe. Dokumente. Erinnerungen. Kritik. Bd. 1, Moskau 2004, Nr. 3.

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