Andreossy, [Antoine François]. Constantinople et le Bosphore de Thrace, pendant les années 1812, 1813 et 1814, et pendant l'année 1826, avec un atlas composé de six planches gravées, et de quatre paysages lithographiés.

Paris, Théophile Barrois & Benj. Duprat, J. S. Merlin, 1828.

8vo. (4), XLIV, 525, (1) pp. Contemporary half calf with giltstamped spine title. With the folio atlas: 6 engr. maps and plans and 4 lithogr. views. Contemporary half calf over marbled boards, with original printed wrapper cover on upper cover.


First edition, text and atlas together. Descended from a family of canal builders, Antoine François Conte Andreossi (1761-1828) served at the French embassy in Constantinople from 1811 to 1814, when he was recalled to France by Louis XVIII, much to the dismay of the local French community. Some of the plates show his beloved waterways and fountains; they also include a view of the Hippodrome and Mosque of Sultan Ahmed.

Slight worming to hinges of atlas; old stamp to first engraved plates. Bookplate of Dr. Th. Weber (no. 518).


Atabey 22. Blackmer 33. Weber I, 154f. Brunet I, 276. Graesse I, 122. Not in Aboussouan.