Detailed study of place names and tribal geneaologies

Forster, Charles. The Historical Geography of Arabia; or, the Patriarchal Evidences of Revealed Religion: a Memoir, with Illustrative Maps; and an Appendix, containing Translations, with an Alphabet and Glossary, of the Hamyaritic Inscriptions recently discovered in Hadramaut.

London, Duncan and Malcolm, 1844.

8vo. 2 vols. LXXXIII, (1), 357 pp. VI, 509, (1) pp. With two large folding frontispiece maps of the Arabian Peninsula (56 cm x 41 cm), a large folding chart of inscriptions, 1 engraved plate of inscriptions, and one further folding translation of the same inscription. Apparently never bound with the "vignette plate of Nakab el Hajar" supposed to face p. 335. Repairs to both maps.


Only edition of this detailed study of place names, tribal geneaologies, and pre-Islamic inscriptions. "An attempt at the proof of the descent of the Arabs from Ishmael" (Ghani). Includes an interesting attack on Edward Gibbon's 'geographical' explanation for the rise of Islam out of Mecca; Forster denounces Gibbon's "scepticism" and "artful insinuations" by pointing out some of his errors in historical geography, meanwhile defending the claim of a Scriptural prophecy in favour of the descendants of Ishmael.


Gay 3570. Ghani 136. Brunet 19594. NYPL Arabia Coll. 166. OCLC 4892705.