Dauthendey, Max

Max Dauthendey, German author and painter, 1867-1918

Together with Richard Dehmel and Eduard von Keyserling, Dauthendey is regarded as one of the most influential authors of the impressionist period. He was stranded in Java at the outbreak of World War One. Attempts to provide him with a safe passage back to Germany failed, and he died there in 1918. Dauthendey's birth place, where the family lived until 1876 was destroyed during the Bombing of WΓΌrzburg in World War II. Short novels as lyric impressions with personal travel experiences like the collection "Lingam" (1909) and "Die acht Gesichter vom Biwasee" (1911) mark the artistic highlights of his work.

  • Dauthendey, Max, Schriftsteller (1867-1918). Eigenh. Begleitschreiben mit U.Fontainebleau, 27 Jul 1904.
