Marx, Karl

Karl Marx, philosopher and economist, 1818-1883

Karl Marx was a philosopher, economist, sociologist, journalist, and revolutionary socialist. Born in Germany, he later became stateless and spent much of his life in London. Marx's work in economics laid the basis for much of the current understanding of labour and its relation to capital, and subsequent economic thought. He published numerous books during his lifetime, the most notable being The Communist Manifesto (1848) and Das Kapital (1867–1894). Marx's ideas have had a profound impact on world politics and intellectual thought.

  • [Marx, Karl]. Peuchet: vom Selbstmord. (In:) [Hess, Moses]. Gesellschaftsspiegel. Organ …Elberfeld, 1846.

  • Marx, Karl, philosopher and economist (1818-1883). Autograph letter signed ("Karl Marx").41 Maitland Park Road, London, 1 Oct 1879.

  • Marx, Karl. Capital: Critical Analysis of Capitalist Production. Translated from the …New York, c. 1891.

  • Marx, Karl. Herr Vogt.London, 1860.

  • Marx, Karl. Capital: A Critical Analysis of Capitalist Production. Edited by Friedrich …New York & London, 1889.

  • Marx, Karl. Das Revolutionsdrama von 1848/49.Singen, 1947.

  • Marx, Karl. Herr Vogt.Moskau, 1941.

  • Marx, Karl. El Capital. Traducción por Pablo Correa y Zafrilla.Madrid, 1886-1887.

  • Marx, Karl. Kapital. Krytyka ekonomii politycznej. Tom pierwszy.Lipsk Leipzig, 1884-1889.

  • Marx, Karl, philosopher and economist (1818-1883). Autograph letter signed.Brussels, 2 Oct. 1848.

  • Marx, Karl. Kapitalen. Første Del (-Anden Del). Udgivet af Det socialdemokratiske …Kopenhagen, 1885-1887.

  • Marx, Karl. Kapitalet. Kritik av den politiska ekonomin. I svensk översättning av …Stockholm, 1930-1931.

  • Marx, Karl. Das Kapital. Kritik der politischen Oekonomie. Zweiter Band. Buch II: Der …Hamburg, 1893.

  • Marx, Karl. Kapital'. Kritika Politicheskoi Ekonomii.St. Petersburg, 1872.

  • Marx, Karl. Capital: A Critical Analysis of Capitalist Production. Edited by Frederick …New York, January-April 1891.

  • Marx, Karl. Briefe an Kugelmann.Moskau, 1940.

  • Marx, Karl. Capital: A Critical Analysis of Capitalist Production. Edited by Friedrich …New York & London, 1889.

  • Marx, Karl. Nishcheta filosofii: otviet na Filosofiiu nishchety g. Prudona.Geneva, 1886.

  • Marx, Karl. Das Kapital. Kritik der politischen Oekonomie. Vols. 1 and 2 (of 3).Hamburg, 1885-1890.

  • Marx, Karl, philosopher and economist (1818-1883). Portrait photograph.London, 1875.

  • Marx, Karl. Kapitál. Kritika politické ekonomie.Prague, 1913.

  • Marx, Karl. Il Capitale. Critica dell' economia politica.Turin, 1886.

  • Marx, Karl. Gesammelte Aufsätze. Herausgegeben von Hermann Becker.Cologne, 1851.

  • Marx, Karl. Das Kapital. Kritik der politischen Oekonomie. Erster Band. Buch I. Der …Hamburg, 1867.

  • Marx, Karl. Herr Vogt. [Bound with 15 additional rare pamphlets].London, 1860.

  • Marx, Karl. Le Capital. Traduction de M. J. Roy, entièrement revisée par l'auteur.Paris, 1872-1875.

  • Marx, Karl, philosopher and economist (1818-1883). Autograph letter signed.London, 20 Mar 1872.

  • Marx, Karl, philosopher and economist (1818-1883). Autograph letter signed.London, 1 May 1872.

  • Marx, Karl, philosopher and economist (1818-1883). Autograph letter signed.London, 1 Nov 1872.

  • Marx, Karl, philosopher and economist (1818-1883). 4 autograph letters signed.London, 5 to 28 Nov. 1872.

  • Marx, Karl, philosopher and economist (1818-1883). Autograph letter signed.London, 17 Mar 1873.

  • Marx, Karl, philosopher and economist (1818-1883). Autograph letter signed.London, 29 Mar 1873.

  • Marx, Karl, philosopher and economist (1818-1883). Autograph letter signed.London, 29 Mar 1873.

  • Marx, Karl, philosopher and economist (1818-1883). Autograph letter signed.London, 4 Aug 1873.

  • Marx, Karl, philosopher and economist (1818-1883). Autograph letter signed ("K. M.").London, 19 Sep 1873.

  • Marx, Karl, philosopher and economist (1818-1883). Autograph letter signed ("K. M.").London, 13 Oct 1873.

  • Marx, Karl, philosopher and economist (1818-1883). Autograph letter signed.London, 28 Oct 1873.

  • Marx, Karl. Kapital. Kritika politicke ekonomije. Prva knjiga: Proces proizvodnje kapitala. …Belgrade, 1933-1934.

  • Marx, Karl, philosopher and economist (1818-1883). Autograph letter signed ("Ch. Marx").Paris, 24 August 1849.

  • Marx, Karl. Misère de la philosophie. Réponse à la Philosophie de la misère de …Paris & Brussels, 1847.

  • Marx, Karl. Kapital. Kritika politicheskoj ekonomii. Perevod c nmetskago. Tom pervoej. …St. Petersburg, 1872.

  • Marx, Karl, philosopher and economist (1818-1883). Autograph letter signed ("Karl Marx").London, 41 Maitland Park Road, 28 Aug 1878.

  • Marx, Karl. Kapitál: kritika politické ekonomie. Kniha první: Vyrobní proces kapitálu.Prague, 1913.

  • Marx, Karl. Het kapitaal. Eerste deel [...].Amsterdam, 1901.

  • Marx, Karl. Pervyj manifest mezdunarodnago tovariscestva rabocich (1864 g.).Geneva, 1903.

  • Marx, Karl, philosopher and economist (1818-1883). Autograph letter signed.London, "13 Jan. 1872" i.e., 1873.

  • Marx, Karl, philosopher and economist (1818-1883). Autograph letter signed.London, 15 Feb 1873.

  • Marx, Karl, philosopher and economist (1818-1883). Autograph letter signed.London, 28 Apr 1873.

  • Marx, Karl, philosopher and economist (1818-1883). Autograph letter signed.Karlsbad, 18 Sep 1874.

  • Marx, Karl, philosopher and economist (1818-1883). "An die Redaction des 'Volksstaat'". Autograph manuscript signed.London, 23 Mar 1871.

  • Marx, Karl. Portrait photograph.America, ca. 1910.

  • Marx, Karl, philosopher and economist (1818-1883). Portrait photograph.London, 1875 / ca. 1900-1910.

  • Marx, Karl. Das Kapital. Kritik der politischen Oekonomie [...] Erster Band. [Author's …Hamburg, 1867.

  • Marx, Karl, philosopher and economist (1818-1883). Portrait photograph.London, 1875 / ca. 1900-1910.

  • Marx, Karl, philosopher and economist (1818-1883). Portrait photograph.London, 1875 / ca. 1900-1910.

  • Marx, Karl, philosopher and economist (1818-1883). Portrait photograph.London, 1872.

  • Marx, Karl / Engels, Friedrich. Manifesto de la Komunista Partio. Manifesto of the Communist Party.Chicago, 1908 1907.

  • Marx, Karl / Engels, Friedrich. Det kommunistiske Manifest.Kopenhagen, 1885.

  • Marx, Karl / Engels, Friedrich. Über Kunst und Literatur.Wien, 1948.

  • Marx, Karl / Engels Friedrich. Hawla Rusia (On Russia).Beirut, 1975.

  • Marx, Karl / Engels, Friedrich. Mkhtarat.Moscow, 1969.

  • [Marx, Karl / Engels, Friedrich]. New-York Daily Tribune: 19 original issues with articles by Karl Marx and …New York, 1853-1859.

  • Marx, Karl / Engels, Friedrich. Naemnyi trud i kapital. S vvedeniem F. Engel'sa. [Lohnarbeit und Kapital, …Geneva, 1904.

  • Marx, Karl / Engels, Friedrich. Kommunisticheskii manifest.Tiflis Georgia, 1917.

  • (Marx, Karl / Engels, Friedrich). L'Alliance de la démocratie socialiste et l'Association Internationale …London & Hamburg, 1873.

  • Marx, Karl / Engels, Friedrich. Komunisticni manifest.Slovenia, 1943/1944.

  • Marx, Karl / Engels, Friedrich. Eleven works from the library of Eleanor Marx Aveling.Boston, Geneva, Hamburg, Lille, London, Madrid, Milan and Zurich, 1871-1894.

  • Marx, Karl / Engels, Friedrich. Manifeste du Parti Communiste.Paris, 1895.

  • Marx, Karl / Engels, Friedrich. Das kommunistische Manifest. Hg. von Willi Suschitzky.Wien, 1918.

  • Marx, Karl / Engels, Friedrich. Manifest kommunisticheskoj partii [...]. Perevod s nemeckago izdanija 1872. …Geneva, 1882.

  • Marx, Karl / Engels, Friedrich. Le manifeste communiste.Paris, 1906.

  • Marx, Karl / Engels, Friedrich. O kommunizme.Odessa, 1905.

  • Marx, Karl / Engels, Friedrich. Das kommunistische Manifest. Neue Ausgabe mit einem Vorwort der Verfasser.Leipzig, 1872.

  • [Marx, Karl / Engels, Friedrich]. Manifest der kommunistischen Partei. Veröffentlicht im Februar 1848.London, 1848.

  • Marx, Karl / Engels, Friedrich. Manifesto of the Communist Party.London, 1888.

  • Marx, Karl / Engels, Friedrich. Forderungen der kommunistischen Parthei in Deutschland.Paris, end of March 1848.

  • Marx, Karl / Engels, Friedrich. Il Manifesto del Partito Comunista. Con un nuovo proemio al lettore italiano …Milano, 1893.

  • [Marx, Karl - Karl-Jean Longuet-Marx (1904-1981), sculptor and great-grandson of Karl Marx]. - Simone Longuet-Marx, his widow (1922-2012). Autograph letter signed.Paris, 4 Feb 1983.

  • [Marx, Karl]. - Orges, Hermann von, pamphletist (1821-1874), correspondent of Karl Marx. Autograph letter signed ("Hermann").Vienna, 4. VII. n. y.

  • [Marx, Karl] / Ruge, Arnold (ed.). Anekdota zur neuesten deutschen Philosophie und Publicistik von Bruno Bauer, …Zürich & Winterthur, 1843.
