Hofmannsthal, Hugo von

Hugo von Hofmannsthal, Austrian poet and playwright, 1874-1929

Hofmannsthal is considered one of the principal figures of the German-speaking Fin de siècle and of the Viennese Modern Age. In 1920 he founded, together with Max Reinhardt, the Salzburg Festival, today the world's most prominent festival of classical music and drama, which sees his 'Everyman' play performed every year. He wrote six opera librettos for Richard Strauss; his verse translations of Greek tragedies, his stories, essays, and comedies count among the most eminent works of Austrian literature. About to depart for the funeral of his son, who had taken his own life, Hofmannsthal died of a stroke.

  • Hofmannsthal, Hugo von, Dichter (1874-1929). Eigenh. Briefkarte mit U.Rodaun, 13. XII. 1915?.

  • Hofmannsthal, Hugo von. Gestern. Dramatische Studie in einem Akt in Versen. Dritte Auflage.Berlin, 1909.

  • Hofmannsthal, Hugo von. Der Turm.Munich, 1925.

  • Hofmannsthal, Hugo von, Austrian poet and playwright (1874-1929). Autograph letter signed ("Hofmannsthal").Bad Aussee, 24 Nov 1925.

  • Hofmannsthal, Hugo von, Austrian poet and playwright (1874-1929). Autograph letter signed ("Hofmannsthal").Rodaun near Vienna, 11 June 1904?.

  • Hofmannsthal, Hugo von, Austrian poet and playwright (1874-1929). 3 (2 autogr. and 1 typed) letters signed ("Hofmannsthal").Rodaun near Vienna and Bad Aussee, 1925 and 1928.

  • Hofmannsthal, Hugo von, Austrian poet and playwright (1874-1929). Draft for "Der Rosenkavalier". Autograph manuscript with autograph lines …Rodaun, June 1909.

  • Hofmannsthal, Hugo von, Dichter (1874-1929). Eigenh. Brief mit U.Berlin, 15 Jan 1916.

  • Hofmannsthal, Hugo von, Dichter (1874-1929). Ms. Brief mit eigenh. U.Rodaun, 5 Apr 1927.

  • Hofmannsthal, Hugo von, Dichter (1874-1929). Eigenh. Brief mit U.Lueg Gemeinde Sankt Gilgen, 18. IX. 1905.

  • Hofmannsthal, Hugo von, Dichter (1874-1929). Eigenh. Bildpostkarte mit U.Marrakesch, 15 Mar 1925.

  • Hofmannsthal, Hugo von, Dichter (1874-1929). Eigenh. Brief mit U.Rodaun, 6 Jun 1906.

  • Hofmannsthal, Hugo von, Dichter (1874-1929). Eigenh. Postkarte mit U."Rodaun, Donnerstag frΓΌh", frΓΌhe 1920er Jahre Poststempel durch Entfernen der Briefmarke nicht lesbar.

  • Hofmannsthal, Hugo von, Dichter (1874-1929). Eigenh. Mitteilung mit U.Wien, 15. IV. o. J.

  • Hofmannsthal, Hugo von, Dichter (1874-1929). Visitenkarte.O. O. u. D.

  • Hofmannsthal, Hugo von, Schriftsteller (1874-1929). Ms. Brief mit eigenh. U.Rodaun, 22 Jan 1928.
