Lehar, Franz

Franz Lehár, Austro-Hungarian composer, 1870-1948

Lehár is mainly known for his operettas, of which the most successful and best known is "The Merry Widow" (Die lustige Witwe). He also wrote sonatas, symphonic poems and marches, and composed a number of waltzes, some of which were drawn from his famous operettas. Individual songs from some of the operettas have become standards, notably "Vilja" from "The Merry Widow". His most ambitious work, "Giuditta" in 1934 is closer to opera than to operetta. Lehár was also associated with the operatic tenor Richard Tauber, who sang in many of his operettas. By 1935 Lehár decided to form his own publishing house, "Glocken-Verlag", to maximize his personal control over performance rights to his works.

  • Lehár, Franz, Komponist (1870-1948). Portraitphotographie mit eigenh. Widmung und U.Wien, 1 Jul 1922.

  • Lehár, Franz, Komponist (1870-1948). Originalphotographie mit eigenh. Namenszug.O. O., wohl nach 1940.

  • Lehár, Franz, Komponist (1870-1948). Erklärung mit eigenh. U. ("Lehár").Wien, 29 Oct 1926.

  • Lehár, Franz, Komponist (1870-1948). Eigenh. Brief mit U.Wien, O. D.

  • Lehár, Franz, Komponist (1870-1948). Portraitpostkarte mit eigenh. U. und Adresse.O. O. u. D.

  • Lehár, Franz, Komponist (1870-1948). Visitenkarte mit eigenh. Widmung und U.O. O. u. D.

  • Lehár, Franz, Komponist (1870-1948). Eigenh. Mitteilung mit U.O. O. u. D.

  • Lehár, Franz, Komponist (1870-1948). Eigenh. Portraitpostkarte mit U.Wien, 6 Apr 1943.

  • Lehár, Franz, Austrian composer (1870-1948). Autograph musical sketch leaf signed.No place or date.

  • Lehár, Franz, Komponist (1870-1948). Eigenh. Schriftstück mit U.O. O. u. D.

  • Lehár, Franz, Komponist (1870-1948). Eigenh. Schriftstück mit U.O. O. u. D.

  • Lehár, Franz, composer (1870-1948). Calling card signed.Milano, no date.

  • Lehár, Franz, Komponist (1870-1948). Eigenhändige Grußadresse mit U.Paris, Oktober 1935.
