Schnitzler, Arthur

Arthur Schnitzler, Austrian writer, 1862-1931

Arthur Schnitzler was an Austrian author and dramatist. Schnitzler's works were often controversial, both for their frank description of sexuality ("Reigen") and for their strong stand against anti-semitism, represented by works such as his play "Professor Bernhardi". A member of the avant-garde group Young Vienna (Jung-Wien), Schnitzler toyed with formal as well as social conventions. With his 1900 novella "Leutnant Gustl", he was the first to write German fiction in stream-of-consciousness narration. The novella "FrΓ€ulein Else" (1924), is another first-person stream of consciousness narrative, this time by a young aristocratic woman, revealing a moral dilemma that ends in tragedy.

  • Schnitzler, Arthur, Schriftsteller (1862-1931). Eigenh. Brief mit U.Wien, 9 Dec 1897.

  • Schnitzler, Arthur, Schriftsteller (1862-1931). Ms. Brief mit eigenh. U.Wohl Wien, 12 Jan 1924.

  • Schnitzler, Arthur, Schriftsteller (1862-1931). Eigenh. Briefkarte mit U.Wien, 3 Jun 1922.

  • Schnitzler, Arthur, Schriftsteller (1862-1931). Ms. Brief mit eigenh. U. und eh. Albumblatt mit U.Wien, 26. I. 1926 bzw. Dezember 1926.

  • Schnitzler, Arthur, Schriftsteller (1862-1931). Eigenh. Visitenkarte mit U.O. O., 24 Apr 1924.

  • Schnitzler, Arthur, Schriftsteller (1862-1931). Portraitphotographie mit eigenh. U.Wien, November 1897.
