Our guarantee

We guarantee the authenticity and completeness of every item as described.

Every book is collated for completeness; defects are noted in the description. Shipments are carefully packed and insured at their full value. Any item can be returned within 14 days for a full refund if found unsatisfactory.

We are members of the International League of Antiquarian Booksellers (ILAB), founded in 1948, as well as of the Verband der Antiquare Γ–sterreichs (Austrian association of antiquarian booksellers) and the Verband deutscher Antiquare e. V. (German association of antiquarian booksellers). Members must observe a code of usages and customs that vouches for:

  • accurate identification and description of all material offered for sale
  • guaranteed authenticity of all items
  • clear disclosure of all relevant defects or restorations
  • professional pricing of all materials offered for sale

As members of the Professional Autograph Dealers Association (PADA) we offer our customers strongest and most reliable guarantee in the field: we guarantee the authenticity of all autographs sold, without time limit, to the original purchaser. We are happy to issue a Certificate of Authenticity for any item we sell.