
Showing items 1–48 of 101 (Luftfahrt)

  • Abercron, Hugo von, Offizier, Ballonfahrer und Autor (1869-1945). Ms. Sentenz mit eigenh. U.Berlin-Charlottenburg, 24.10.1927.

  • [Aden album]. Naylor, D. A. R. Aden Trip 1958.Aden, 1958.

  • Adler, Leonhard, Ingenieur, Politiker und Ordenspriester (1882-1965). Ms. Sentenz mit eigenh. U.Berlin, o. D.

  • [Air France]. - Middle East. Proche Orient.Paris, 1963.

  • [Air Ministry]. The Approach Towards a System of Imperial Air Communications. Memorandum …London, 1926.

  • [Air Ministry]. The Approach Towards a System of Imperial Air Communications. Memorandum …London, 1926.

  • Aldrin, Edwin, Astronaut (geb. 1930). Portraitphotographie (Reproduktion) mit eigenh. Widmung und U.O. O. u. D.

  • [Anglo-Iranian Oil Company]. Geological Air Photographs of South West Persia.Iran, photos: 1935-36 & 1947-49: publication ca. 1950.

  • [Apollo XII]. Ersttagsbrief mit eigenh. U. der drei Astronauten Charles Conrad, Richard …Cape Canaveral, 14.11.1969.

  • [Arabian American Oil Company]. Report No. ZD-340:006. Detail Type Specification for Consolidated Vultee …San Diego, CA, 1952.

  • Aramco. Two photos of Aramco airplanes.Probably Dhahran, ca. 1950s.

  • [Aramco] - Machnich, C. G. (compiler). North East Rub Al Khali. B-1583-X.Saudi Arabia, 1953.

  • Bailby, Léon, French journalist (1867-1954). Typed letter signed.Paris, 20.06.1929.

  • [Balloon mail]. Autograph letter signed ("Marguerite") by a Paris citizen to her mother, …Paris, 29 Nov. 1870.

  • [Bell, Alexander Graham, Erfinder (1847-1922)]. - Brockett, Paul, Bibliothekar und Bibliograph (1872-1946). Ms. Brief mit U. und 3zlg. eigenh. Nachschrift.Washington, DC, 16.07.1920.

  • Bertram, Hans, Pilot und Regisseur (1906-1993). Ms. Brief mit eigenh. U.Berlin, 29.11.1937.

  • Blind, Karl, German revolutionist and writer (1826-1907). Autograph letter signed.London, 29.01.1889.

  • [B.O.A.C. - British Overseas Airways Corporation]. Set of photographs.Middle East and Africa, ca. 1952.

  • [B.O.A.C. - Pakistan]. Fly B.O.A.C. Pakistan.London, 1953.

  • Braun, Wernher von, Raketenkonstrukteur (1912-1977). Ms. Brief mit eigenh. U.Washington, DC, 23.10.1970.

  • [British Royal Navy photo album]. [The British Royal Navy in the Arabian Gulf and Indian Ocean].Various places, 1931-1932.

  • Caproni Guasti, Timina / Bertarelli, Achille. L'aeronautica Italiana nell'immagine 1487-1875. Bibliografia di Giuseppe …Mailand, 1938.

  • Coelestinus, Claudius / Bacon, Roger. De his quae mundo mirabiliter eveniunt: ubi de sensuum erroribus, & …Paris, 1542.

  • [Commercial ballooning.] Hervieu, Gaston, French balloonist (1863-1923). Autograph letter signed. Co-signed by Hervieu's business associate and …Neuilly-sur-Seine, 03.05.1899.

  • Dietrich, Marlene, Schauspielerin (1901-1992). Eigenh. Brief mit U."On board the flying Viking Ship", 15. od. 16. Mai 1960.

  • Eckener, Hugo, Luftschiffpionier (1868-1954). Eigenh. Portraitpostkarte mit U.O. O. u. D.

  • Eckener, Hugo, Luftschiffpionier (1868-1954). Aus einem ms. Brief ausgeschnittene eigenh. U.Friedrichshafen, 31.01.1925.

  • Eckener, Hugo, Luftschiffpionier (1868-1954) Ms. Sentenz mit eigenh. U.Friedrichshafen a. B., 11.11.1927.

  • Eckener, Hugo, Luftschiffpionier (1868-1954). Photographie mit eigenh. Beschriftung und U.Tokyo, 21.08.1929.

  • [Egypt]. USAF aeronautical chart (447) Suez Canal.Washington, D.C., 1958.

  • Eiffel, Gustave, French civil engineer and architect (1832-1923). Autograph letter signed ("G. Eiffel").Paris, 16.06.1920.

  • Etrich, Igo, österreichischer Pilot und Flugzeugkonstrukteur (1879-1967). Eigenh. Visitkarte.O. O. u. D.

  • Godwin, Francis [Pseud.: Dominique Gonzales]. L'homme dans la Lune.Paris, 1654.

  • Gove, Philip M. (photographer). [Photo album - Saudi Arabia].Saudi Arabia, 1946-1947.

  • Green, Thomas, greengrocer and fruiterer (1762-1850), father of pioneering hot air balloonist, Charles Green. Autograph letter signed ("T. Green").Highgate, London, 1844.

  • [Gulf Air]. Flying is Fun with Gulf Air.Singapore, ca. 1970.

  • Hay, Sidney. Air Over Eden.London, 1937.

  • [Hofuf]. Asia 1:1,000,000. Hofuf. Sheet North G-39.London, 1942.

  • [Holt, A. L., et al.]. [Iraq archive. Cairo-Baghdad air route].Iraq, 1921.

  • [Hormuz]. Asia 1:1,000,000. Bandar 'Abbas. Sheet North G-40.London, 1944.

  • Hunting Geology and Geophysics. United Arab Emirates - vertical aerial photography.United Arab Emirates, 1975-1977.

  • Hunting Surveys Ltd. Aerial survey photographs (nos. 1-7). Liwa Villages.London, 1976-1977.

  • [Iraq - Royal Air Force]. Three photograph albums.Iraq, 1937-1939.

  • [Iraq - Royal Air Force]. [R.A.F. photograph album].Iraq, 1926.

  • [Iraq - Royal Air Force]. Habbaniya - Shaibah, Strip No. 12 & Shaibah - Bahrein, Strip No. 13.London, 1945.

  • Irwin, James Benson ("Jim"), Astronaut (1930-1991). Portraitphotographie (Reproduktion) mit eigenh. Widmung und U.O. O. u. D.

  • Jeppson, Morris, Second Lieutenant in the United States Army Air Forces during World War II (1922-2010). Annotated blueprint of the "Little Boy" atomic bomb.No place, probably 1970s.

  • Joseph Ferdinand von Österreich-Toskana, Erzherzog, Militär und Ballonpionier (1872-1942). Eigenh. Postkarte mit U.O. O. u. D.


Showing items 1–48 of 101 (Luftfahrt)

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