
Showing items 1–48 of 160 (Levante)

  • Abdelkader al-Jazairi, Emir of Mascara, Algerian freedom fighter (1808-1883). Autograph letter with tughra stamp.N. p. probably Damascus, 24 Aug. 1865 = 1 Rabi' al-Thani 1282.

  • Abdülmejid I., Sultan des Osmanischen Reichs (1823-1861). Osmanischer Reisepass (Firman) für Sir Jacob Henry Preston.Konstantinopel, ca. 1840.

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  • Platzhalter

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  • [Arabic-script wood-printing block]. Hand-carved woodblock engraved with "Safr Nishd al-Nishad li-Suleyman" …Probably Ottoman provinces, mid-18th century ca. 1750.

  • [ARAMCO - Trans-Arabian Pipe Line]. Tapline. The Story of the World's Biggest Oil Pipe Line.New York, January 1951.

  • Aristotle (Pseudo-) / Ibn al-Muqaffa'. Kitab al-Ghalib wal-Maghlub [The Victor and the Vanquished].Levant, 14th century CE.

  • Arvieux, Laurent d'. Reis naar de legerplaats van den grooten Emir, en Beschrijving, van de …Utrecht, 1780.

  • Arvieux, Laurent d' / Ödman, Samuel (transl). Arabernas seder och lefnadssätt.Uppsala, 1783.

  • Aveiro, Pantaleão de. Itinerario da terra sancta, e todas suas particularidades [...]. Agora …Lisbon, 1600.

  • Azpeitia de Moros, Luis. En busca del caballo árabe. Comisión á Oriente. Turquia. - Siria. - …Madrid, 1915.

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  • [Biblia graeca - VT - Psalmi]. Ottoman Greek commentary on the Psalms.Ottoman Greece, 1716 CE.

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  • Binyamin ben Yonah, mi-Tudelah / L'Empereur, Constantijn (ed. & transl.). [Masa'ot shel rabi Binyamin]. Itinerarium D. Beniaminis cum versione & …Leiden, 1633.

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  • Platzhalter

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  • Dani, 'Uthman ibn Sa'id (Abu 'Amr) al-. Al-Taysir fi al-qira'at al-sab'.Mamluk Syria, 14th century CE.

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Showing items 1–48 of 160 (Levante)

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