
Showing items 1–48 of 93 (Archäologie)

  • [Altbabylonisch]. Altbabylonische Keilschrift-Tontafel mit der Aufzählung von Treibern von …Mesopotamien, Ur III Ende 3. Jahrtausend v. Chr..

  • [Antiquities of the Vatican Museums.] Varneck, Karl, German draughtsman (fl. 1828). Disegne delle statue, busti e altri framenti antichi qui si trove nel Museo …Rome, 1828.

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  • (Arditi, Michele). L'Ermatena ossia la impronta da darsi al gettone della Regal Società.Neapel, 1816.

  • (Arditi, Michele). L'Ermatena ossia la impronta da darsi al gettone della Regal Società.Neapel, 1816.

  • Arseven, Celal Esad. Constantinople. De Byzance à Stamboul.Paris, 1909.

  • (Assemani, Simone). Spiegazione di due rarissime medaglie cufiche della famiglia degli Ommiadi …Milan, 1818.

  • Bahgat, Aly. Hafriyat al-Fustat (Majmu`at al-manazir al-futughrafiyah). Fouilles dal …Cairo, 1928 CE = 1347 H.

  • Bastian, Adolf, Reisender und Ethnograph (1826-1905). Eigenh. Brief mit U.Berlin, 1874.

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  • Brünnow, Rudolf Ernst / Domaszewski, Alfred von. Die Provincia Arabia. Auf Grund zweier in den Jahren 1897 und 1898 unternommenen …Straßburg, 1904-1909.

  • Burgess, James. Report on the Antiquities of Kathiawad and Kachh, Being the Result of the …London, 1876.

  • Burgess, James / Cousens, Henry. The Architectural Antiquities of Northern Gujarat, More Especially of the …London, 1903.

  • Canina, Luigi de, Archäologe und Architekt (1795-1856). Eigenh. Brief mit U.Terracino, 14.05.1845.

  • [Caylus, Anne Claude Philippe, Comte de]. Recueil d'antiquités égyptiennes, étrusques, grecques et romaines. Tome …Paris, 1756-1767.

  • Chinese Association for the Study of Ancient Bronze Drums. Ancient Chinese Bronze Drums.Peking, 1988.

  • Curtius, Ernst, Historiker und Archäologe (1814-1896). Kuvert mit eigenh. Adresse.Göttingen, 22. I. o. J.

  • Davies, Norman de Garis. Robb de Peyster Tytus Memorial Series. (= The Theban Tombs).New York, 1917-1927.

  • [Description de l'Égypte]. Description de l'Egypte, ou recueil des observations et des recherches, …Paris, 1820-1829.

  • Dörpfeld, Wilhelm, Architekt und Archäologe (1853-1940). Eigenh. Bildpostkarte mit U.Friedenau, 03.12.1913.

  • Doughty, Charles [Montagu]. Documents épigraphiques recueillis dans le nord de L'Arabie.Paris, 1884.

  • Du Camp, Maxime. Égypte, Nubie, Palestine et Syrie: dessins photographiques recueillis …Paris, 1852.

  • Durand, Auguste, French music publisher, organist, and composer (1830-1909). Autograph letter signed.Lancy, 16.09.1861.

  • [Egyptian Coptic and Muslim textile fragments]. A collection of 22 pieces of embroidery fragments and hand-printed linen, …Egypt, from 5th to 6th centuries, 11th century and ca. 1300 AD.

  • [Ermitage]. Piccard, Rodolphe / Solntsev, Fedor Grigoryevich. Antiquités du Bosphore Cimmérien conservées au Musée impérial de l'Ermitage. …St Petersburg, 1854.

  • [Flavia Solva]. Schriften des historischen Vereines für Innerösterreich. Erstes Heft …Graz, 1848.

  • Fresnel, Fulgence, Orientalist (1795-1855). Eigenh. Brief mit U. ("F. Fresnel").Djeddah, 07.06.1844.

  • Gaudin, Paul, French engineer and archaeologist (1858-1921). Two albums with 247 photographs, 1 postcard, and 4 building plans from …Aphrodisias, 1904-1905.

  • Gaudin, Paul, French engineer and archaeologist (1858-1921). 95 photographs of Paul Gaudin's collection of antiquities.N. p. o. d.

  • Gaudin, Paul, French engineer and archaeologist (1858-1921). Collection of 42 photographs of archaeological objects and excavation sites …Yortan, 1898-1901.

  • Gaudin, Paul, French engineer and archaeologist (1858-1921). Collection of 264 photographs from the archaeological site of Aphrodisias.Aphrodisias, 1904-1905.

  • Gottsched, Johann Christoph (Hg.). Geschichte der königlichen Akademie der schönen Wissenschaften zu Paris, …Leipzig, 1749-1757.

  • Heber-Percy, Algernon. Argob and Bashan. Moab and Gilead. Photographs from Syria and Jordan.Syria & Jordan, 1894-1895.

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  • Jones [Commander James Felix, I.N.]. Selection from the Records of the Bombay Government. Memoirs by Commander …Bombay, 1857.

  • Kenner, Friedrich, Archäologe (1834-1922). Eigenh. Brief mit U.Wien, 15.02.1857.

  • Lamm, Carl Johan. Two Exhibitions in Stockholm and Some Sasanian Textile Patterns. Reprinted …Michigan, 1940.

  • Lamm, Carl Johan. The Marby Rug and Some Fragments of Carpets Found in Egypt. Särtryck ur …Stockholm, 1937.

  • Lamm, Carl Johan. Some Woollen Tapestry Weavings from Egypt in Swedish Museums. (Le Monde …Uppsala, 1936.

  • Lamm, Carl Johan. Egyptiska dukagångsvävnader. Särtryck av Kulturen.Lund, 1936.

  • Lamm, Carl Johan / Charleston, R. J. Some Early Egyptian Draw-Loom Weavings [...] Extrait du Bulletin de la …Cairo, 1939.

  • Lane-Poole, Stanley. Catalogue of the Collection of Arabic Coins Preserved in the Khedivial …London, 1897.

  • Le Coq, Albert von. Die buddhistische Spätantike in Mittelasien. Ergebnisse der Kgl. Preussischen …Berlin, 1922-1933 facsimile: Graz, Akademische Druck- und Verlagsanstalt, 1973-1975.

  • Lefebvre, [Charlemagne] Théophile. Voyage en Abyssinie execute pendant les annees 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, …Paris, 1845-1851.

  • Lepsius, Karl Richard, Ägyptologe und Sprachforscher (1810-1884). (De armatura). Arma Graecorum, Romanorum, gentiumque Barbarorum. Recensuit …Paris, ca. 1833-1835.

  • [Limes arabicus]. 15 fragments of a Roman military diploma for an equestrian soldier named …Roman Syria, 7 Nov. 88 CE.

  • [Limes arabicus]. Fragment of a Roman military diploma for a member of the ala praetoria …Roman Syria, 7 Nov. 88 CE.


Showing items 1–48 of 93 (Archäologie)

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