Lenin (Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov). Gosudarstvo i revolutsiya. [The State and Revolution].

Moscow, Pechatnoe Iskusstvo for Moskovskiy robochiy, 1923.

8vo (160 x 235 mm). VIII, 146 pp. Original printed wrappers.


Second edition. The famous brochure setting forth the conditions for the dictatorship of the proletariat and the suppression of the capitalist state. Considered by Lucio Colletti to constitute Lenin's "greatest contribution to political theory", the book describes the role of the state in society, the necessity of a proletarian revolution, and the theoretic inadequacies of social democracy in achieving revolution to establish the dictatorship of the proletariat. With the foreword of the 1917 first edition.

Frayed at edges. Several pencil annotations. Contemporary ownership to title-page ("T. Rehsner"?).


Lenin, Collected Works XXV, 381-492. OCLC 40548203.

Stock Code: BN#57498 Schlagwörter: ,