Signed presentation copy

[Buturlin, Dmitry Petrovich]. Des grecs, des turcs, et de l'esprit public européen, opuscule de 1821, par M. L. C. D. B.

Paris, Jules Renouard, 1828.

4to. XXXII, 174, (2) pp. Contemporary half calf over marbled boards with giltstamped spine and spine-title. Marbled endpapers.


First and only edition. Signed presentation copy, inscribed by the author to the Russian writer, poet, singer, composer, and salonnière Zinaida Volkonskaya (1792-1862): "Pour Madame la Princesse Zeneide Volkonsky de la part de l'auteur en signe d'amitié / CDB" (signing as Conte de Boutourlin). This political treatise by the Russian general, military historian and bibliophile D. P. Buturlin (1790-1849) was composed in July 1821, during the beginning of the Greek War of Indendence. The book describes acts of Ottoman aggression as well as the indifference with which they appeared to be met throughout Europe: "Les infidèles massacrent en ce moment les chrétiens sur un sol européen, et l'Europe chrétienne et civilisée se tait" (p. 1). It is a personal commentary on the situation in the summer of 1821, reflecting a sense of frustration with European politics as well as an apprehension of Islam encroaching on Europe: "Dans la nécessité inévitable de prononcer et de soutenir la conservation de l'une des deux nations, nous osons croire que toutes les considérations possibles [...] doivent en dernier résultat porter à bannir l'islamisme de l'Europe" (p. 11).

A good copy on large paper. Interior occasionally browned and brownstained; short tear to lower edge of title-page. Never seen at auction, rare.


OCLC 457125752.

Stock Code: BN#56840 Schlagwörter: , , , , ,