[Tangier]. Curiosa, e verdadeira noticia da famosa acçao, e inclyta victoria, que o famigerado espanhol, tenente General D. Diogo Maria Ozorio, Governador de Praça de Ceuta, alcançou contra os mouros no porto de Tangere [...].

Lisbon, Ignacio Nogueira Xisto, 1764.

4to. 8 pp. With 2 woodcut vignettes. Sewn.


First Portuguese edition. Exceedingly rare account of an attack on an Ottoman corn vessel by Spanish forces in the port of Tangier in Morocco. Essentially an encomium of Domingo Pignatelli and the 42 men who approached the Ottoman ship under heavy fire. Simultaneously published in Spanish in the Gaceta de Madrid.

Near-contemporary foliation in ink (77-80), suggesting the work was originally part of a larger volume. Slightly browned.


BGUC Misc. 24, 488. Palau 66444. Not in OCLC.

Stock Code: BN#53665 Schlagwörter: , , , ,