Brisson, Barnabé. De ritu nuptiarum liber singularis. (With:) Eiusdem De iure conubiorum liber alter.

Paris, Rouillius, 1564.

4to. (16), 56 (misnumbered "59"), 78 pp. Two parts with woodcut printer's device to title-page, bound separately in modern wrappers.


First edition.

A treatise on wedding ceremonies and marriage law by the French jurist Brisson (1531-91), drawing on classical authors such as Aristotle, Cicero, Pliny, Ovid, Seneca, and Plutarch. Brisson was privy councillor to King Henry III, was promoted to Président a Mortier in 1580 and assigned First President of the Parliament by the Catholic League in 1589.

Some notes and underlinings in ink. Paper somewhat brownstained and waterstained at the margins, slightly wormed.


BM-STC French 82. Adams B 2849. Cf. Jöcher I, 1385f ("De veteri ritu nuptiarum et iure connubiorum").

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