Preissler, Johann Daniel. Die durch Theorie erfundene Practic, oder Gründlich-verfasste Reguln derer man sich als einer Anleitung zu berühmter Künstlere Zeichen-Wercke bestens bedienen kan [...]. Erster (-vierter) Theil.

Nuremberg, J. D. Preissler, 1781-1789.

Folio (ca. 23 x 36 cm). 4 parts, separately bound, each comprising (8) pp. and 18 engraved plates, the first part with an additional frontispiece. 72 plates in all. Papered spines.


Later edition, first published in 1728-31 (the fourth part was contributed by the author's son Johann Justin). A finely engraved instruction book for drawing human figures of all ages, their basic construction, proportions, facial details, draped clothes, etc. Johann Daniel Preißler (1666-1737), a member of a Nuremberg artists' dynasty of Bohemian origin, published several such pattern books and is also known for his series of ornamental, Biblical and allegorical engravings. Parts 1 and 4 of this issue were printed in 1789, part 2 in 1783, part 3 in 1781.

Light browning and brownstaining throughout; occasional edge flaws (title and first leaf of part I remargined), but well preserved.


Cf. Kat. Ornamentstichslg. Berlin 4628. Thieme/Becker XXVII, 374.

Stock Code: BN#49447 Schlagwörter: , ,