Beck, Dominicus. Institutiones metaphysicae praelectionibus publicis destinatae.

Salzburg, heirs of Johann Joseph Mayr, 1785.

8vo. Four parts in one volume. (8), 406 pp. With engraved title vignette and several woodcut headpieces. Contemporary calf over wooden boards with giltstamped title label to spine. All edges red.


Third, expanded edition of this important work by the German mathematician and physicist Beck on metaphysics, discussing ontology, cosmology, "psychology" and theology. It covers common terms of physics and the laws of nature, as well as the origin of the planet Earth, while also treating epistemological issues and the existence of God.

With contemporary bookplate from the Priesterhausbibliothek Salzburg, today part of the diocesan library, to the pastedown. Upper hinges a little worn. From the library of the Viennese collector Werner Habel, whose 1980 note of acquisition is loosely inserted.


VD 18, 10718095. Kayser I, 174. For Beck cf. Wurzbach I, 210f.

Stock Code: BN#48829 Schlagwörter: ,