Mill, John Stuart. Die Hörigkeit der Frau. Aus dem Englischen übersetzt von Jenny Hirsch. Zweite Auflage. Nebst einem Vorbericht enthaltend eine kurze Uebersicht über den gegenwärtigen Stand der Frauenfrage von der Uebersetzerin.

Berlin, F. Berggold, 1872.

8vo. XLV, (3), 176 pp. Contemporary half cloth over marbled boards, spine lettered in gilt.


Second German edition, published three years after the English original ("The Subjection of Women") and the first German edition. A landmark in the history of women's emancipation. The ideas Mill here put forth were developed in collaboration with his wife, Helen Taylor Mill, who had died in 1858. In this work, Mill states that "the principle which regulates the existing social relations between the two sexes - the legal subordination of one sex to the other - is wrong in itself [...] and ought to be replaced by a principle of perfect equality [...]". Mill remained a campaigner for the emancipation of women; he "declared for women's suffrage in his election address at Westminster in 1885 and from that time forward a new bill was introduced into Parliament every few years to promote it" (PMM 398).

This second edition has an extensive new introduction by the translator Jenny Hirsch, in which she sketches the state of the women's movement in various European countries. Hirsch (1829-1902) was a well-known German feminist, a member of the Women's Congress of 1865 and for many years active in the "Lette-Verein", an association for promoting the education, training and employment of women.

Provenance: ownership of Betty Figdor (1827-1903), wife of the Viennese merchant and banker Gustav Figdor (1816-79), to front free endpaper. A good copy.


Stammhammer (Socialismus) I, 150, 9. Stammhammer (Social-Politik) I, 344, 4.

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