Boniface VIII. Sextus decretalium liber.

Paris, Claude Chevallon, 1537.

8vo. (8), 216 ff. Stipple-engraved printer's device on title page and several prettily historiated initials. Contemporary blindstamped pigskin on 3 raised bands. Wants ties.


Well-printed Paris edition of the "Liber Sextus Bonifacii", the collection of medieval canon law that formed the third part of the Corpus Iuris Canonici. One of the last productions from the press of the Parisian stationer, printer, and bookbinder Claude Chevallon (1479-1537).

Early ink ownership "Joan. Christoph Schwarz" to title page and notes to final flyleaf. Wants first flyleaf; upper pastedown shows traces of a removed bookplate. Some browning; corners wrinkled; a few thumb indexes torn out. The blind-stamped roll tools on the binding are signed "H.S.", possibly with the date "[15]14" (not recorded in Haebler).


This edition not in Adams or BM-STC French.

Stock Code: BN#46741 Schlagwörter: , ,