Early Heyinger publication

(Suleiman II, Sultan) / Dominico Di Lardizabal (ed.). Warhafftige Relation der H. Oerther zu Jerusalem, welche auß ergangenen Befehl deß Groß-Türcken anno 1690 in dem Monat April wiederumb zugestellet worden, denen mindern Brüdern, als Observaten und Reformaten deß Seraphischen Ordens S. Francisci.

Vienna, Andreas Heyinger, 1692.

4to. (48) pp. All edges sprinkled in red. Disbound.


Exceedingly rare separate "offprint" issue, with Heyinger's imprint and date on title page, of this account usually only encountered bound after a half-title as part of Francisco Caccia's "Monumentum Gloriae Seraphicae" (bibliographically unrecorded thus). Contains the German translation of the Sultan's mandate by which suzerainity over several holy sites in Jerusalem (particularly, two vaults in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, part of Golgotha, the Seven Arches of the Virgin, and the Stone of the Anointing) was restored to the Franciscans. Includes relevant correspondence and indulgences (all in German).

Some browning and staining. Removed from a collection; old number "23" on t. p. An early work from the press of Andreas Heyinger, active in Vienna from 1692 to 1732.


Cf. VD 17, 12:113676Z.

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