Mann, Thomas, writer (1875-1955). Autograph letter signed.

Küsnacht, 2. XI. 1934.

Large 4to. 2 pp.


In German, to Hedwig Fischer, widow of Samuel Fischer who was Mann's publisher, on his name-imprinted stationery. He writes in part: "I just want to send you a greeting, nothing more. Hardly a day has gone by since we got the death notification in Basel, after the return trip from Lugano, without our speaking of you and your husband, and the shock that we felt at the time continues to reverberate and will for a long time. One had to be braced for this farewell, indeed, ultimately one almost had to be for it; and yet I cannot say how it moved me when it became reality. Nearly four decades of cooperation! I was very attached to the deceased. There was a placid cordiality between us, the way I have rarely experienced it in relationships with people, and hardly ever was there a superficial clouding or disgruntlement. Our characters were compatible, and I always felt that I was the born author for him and he my born publisher. I hinted at some of this in the memorial article, which probably came to your attention in the Sunday supplement of the Basler Nachrichten. It is indeed strange the way I rein in my feelings on such occasions, involuntarily suppressing them and growing cold for the sake of psychology and characterization. I'm just not a poet, but must resort to objectivity and distancing. I wouldn't be surprised if this were painful to you in this case. I am myself more satisfied with the two short pages I sent even now for the [Deutsche] Rundschau's memorial issue for [Peter] Suhrkarnp. May this issue turn out to be a very beautiful monument! From Reisiger, who will be coming to visit us in a few days, we heard that the end was gentle and without consciousness. That's fine and well. And you? How has your heart taken the separation? When one has been living side by side for so long and has shared everything! As soon as one starts thinking about life, the tears start to come. Your publishing house has brought out many beautiful and interesting things recently. Extremely interesting the book on Charlemagne. Döblin is planning an essay on it for the Sammlung, I hear, although emigrants otherwise don't like to mention German books, i.e., published in Germany. But what I read from start to finish and with quite unusual interest, was [Martin] Gumpert's Hahnemann, a life I knew hardly anything about and which in this presentation moved me deeply. Farewell, and be comforted! Give my regards to your children and grandchildren, and regards to you".

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