Laporte, [Joseph] de. Le Voyageur François, ou La Connoissance de l'Ancien et du Nouveau Monde. Tome III.

Paris, Vincent, 1766.

Large 12mo. (4), 545, (1) pp. Contemporary full calf with two giltstamped labels to gilt spine. Marbled endpapers. All edges red.


The only volume of Joseph de Laporte's epistolary travel report to deal with Ormuz, "le golfe Arabique", "la Mecque", Socotra, Qeshm Island, and Portuguese India.

Slight traces of worming to lower cover, but a good, appealingly-bound copy.


Brunet III, 836. Graesse IV, 106. OCLC 833064851.

Stock Code: BN#33733 Schlagwörter: , , , ,