Antes, John. Observations on the Manners and Customs of the Egyptians, the Overflowing of the Nile and its Effects.

London, Stockdale, 1800.

139, (4) SS. Mit gefalt. Kupferstichkarte. Späterer Leinenband. 4to.


Erste Ausgabe.

Includes observations "on the Plague in Egypt", "on the Overflowing of the River Nile, and the Qualities of its Water", "on the Climate and Seasons of the Year in Egypt", and "on the Situation of Egypt relative to commercial Advantages", as well as "A Specimen of Turkish Justice, or, rather, of that of the Mamelucks in Egypt". John Antes was a missionary of the Moravian Church resident in Egypt from 1770 to 1781. He "produced this work in answer to those of Savary and Volney" (Blackmer).

Some foxing to title page. This copy from the collection of the author's descendants, with several inscriptions on the flyleaf. Später in der Sammlung des Schweizer Industriellen Herry W. Schaefer.


Atabey 25. Blackmer 36. Ibrahim-Hilmy I, 38. Blake 16. OCLC 4415058.

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