Written in the Kingdom of Zaragoza

Bahya ibn Yosef ibn Paquda / Yahuda, A[braham] S[halom] (ed.). Al-Hidaja 'ila Fara'id al-Qulub.

Leiden, E. J. Brill, 1912.

Large 8vo. XVII, (3), 113, (3), 407, (1) pp. With 3 lithographed plates. Contemporary red cloth with giltstamped spine title; original blue wrappers bound within.


First modern edition of the original Arabic text of "Al Hidayah ila Faraid al-Qulub" ("Guide to the Duties of the Heart"), written in 1080 by the Jewish philosopher Bahya ibn Paquda, who lived at Zaragoza, in Muslim Spain. The work offers the first Jewish system of ethics and was translated into Hebrew by Judah ibn Tibbon in 1161-80 ("Chovot ha-Levavot"). It is based on numerous non-Jewish sources, including writings of Islamic mysticism and Arabic neo-Platonism. Yahuda's edition uses mss. in the libraries of Oxford, Paris, and St Petersburg.

In excellent condition.


Herlitz IV/2, 1521. OCLC 3117215.

Stock Code: BN#32616 Schlagwörter: , ,