Arrivabene, Giovanni, Italian economist (1787-1881). Autograph letter signed.

Mantua, 26. VIII. 1875.

Large 8vo. 1 p. on bifolium. With autograph envelope.


To Gennaro Sambiase Sanseverino, Duke of San Donato, declining an invitation to the "agricultural competition" in Portici near Naples due to his old age: "Reduce oggi stesso da Venezia trovai l'invito di codesta commissione, da Lei degnamente presieduta, a recarmi al concorso agrario [...] di Portici. Riconoscente alla gentile distinzione da Essa fattami, la mia età, non mi consente di intraprendere in questi estivi calori, un lungo viaggio [...]" - The young Giovanni Arrivabene was persecuted by the Austrian authorities of Lombardy-Venetia as a supporter of the revolutionary Carbonari movement. After a wrongful arrest in 1821, Arrivabene went into exile, first briefly in France and then in England, where he devoted himself to the study of politcal economy, associating himself wih James Mill, Thomas Tooke, and John Ramsay McCulloch. In 1824, he was sentenced in absentia to death in his native Mantua and his goods were sequestered. From 1827-1860, Arrivabene lived in Brussels, where he co-founded the Free University of Brussels in 1834 and devouted his studies to the conditions of the working class. Following the Austrian defeat in the Battle of Solferino in 1860, Arrivabene was appointed to the Senate of the Kingdom of Sardinia. He would divide his remaining years between Italy and Belgium.

Gennaro Sambiase Sanseverino was an important liberal politician in the province of Naples and longterm deputy to the Italian Parliament. From 1876-1878, Sanseverino served as mayor of Naples.

From the collection of Eduard Fischer von Röslerstamm (1848-1915).

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