Rough-Legged Buzzard

Wolf, Joseph. Archibuteo lagopus.

(London, ca. 1873).

Hand-coloured lithograph. 380 x 555 mm.


Fine image of a Rough-Legged Buzzard, from John Gould's monumental "Birds of Great Britain" (London, 1862-1873, 5 vols.). Joseph Wolf (1820-99) "was the first bird artist to understand and use the new freedom of style that lithography allowed [...] He introduced natural settings and a feeling of motion into his paintings. Early training in lithography and art [...] opened the door to Wolf's development into one of the first and finest true bird artists. He breathed life into the stiff 'bird on a perch' portrayals so characteristic of bird art of the day. Wolf liked especially to paint birds of prey and game birds, with their subtle browns and grays" (Cornell University Library).


Fine Bird Books 102. Nissen IVB 372. Sauer 23. Wood 365. Zimmer 261.

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