Restricted UN reports from the final month of Mandate Palestine

[United Nations - Middle East]. 5 "Restricted" Reports of the United Nations on Economics in the Middle East.

[No place], UN Economic and Social Council, 1948.

5 vols (E/AC.26/W.1 - E/AC.26/W.4, and E/AC.26/W.6). 11 pp. 14 pp. 26 pp. 4 pp. 17 pp. Stapled reports on blue paper.


Five United Nations reports marked "RESTRICTED" from April 1948, a crucial month during the Arab-Israeli War, the fall of Mandate Palestine, and the institution of the state of Israel. Each stamped "Supplied by American Economic Committee for Palestine, New York, N.Y.," this being a US-based organization working to support and expand the economic development of Jewish industries in Palestine. The reports themselves were published by the UN's Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), the group tasked with coordinating the economic and social goals of the UN and affiliated organizations.

The reports are not limited to Palestine, but cover Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, Transjordan, Turkey, and Yemen. Topics include economic under-development in certain countries of the Middle East, trends in foreign trade, a collection of statistical tables relating to population, agriculture, industry, transport, etc., and the state of inflation in the region. A final report defines the Western use of the term "Middle East" itself.

Written up in the final weeks before the final surrender and dissolution of the British Mandate of Palestine, the reports provide a glimpse into the perspective and planning of the United Nations, as they attempted to stay in front of unfolding events in the region.

Very light marginal wear; in excellent condition.