Printed by Ibrahim Müteferrika

Krusinski, Judasz Tadeus, SJ. Tarikh-i seyyah der bayan-i zuhur-i Agvaniyan ve-inhidam-i devlet-i Safeviyan.

Qustantaniyah (Constantinople, Istanbul), Ibrahim Müteferrika, [26 August 1729 CE =] 1 Safar 1142 H.

4to (152 x 220 mm). 2 (instead of 7), 97 ff. (last two leaves mutilated; plus a fragment of the 5th leaf of prelims). Contemporary calf binding; papered spine with typed leather spine label; some loss to lower cover.


The third book printed by Ibrahim Müteferrika: a contemporary history of the Afghan-Persian wars of the Safavid era that led to the fall of the Safavid dynasty and the Afghan occupation of Iran. This is the Ottoman Turkish translation of a work by the Polish Jesuit Judasz Tadeus Krusinski, who lived in the royal capital of Isfahan from 1707 to 1725/28, acting as an intermediary between the Papacy and the Iranian court as well as a court translator. Proficient in Persian and well acquainted with the nation and its people, he was a first-hand witness to the sack of the city by the rebellious Afghans in 1722, and his account makes him an important primary source on this particular period of the Safavid era.

Browned, fingerstained and waterstained throughout, several waqf marks; various edge tears and small chips. Lacks the first five leaves of the preliminaries (save for a fragment of the fifth); loss to upper edge of f. 33 (first line) and ff. 96-97 (several lines at the bottom of the page).

Provenance: 20th century Parisian private collection, kept in the family for several generations and dispersed in 2022.


Zenker 929. Özege 19897. De Backer/Sommervogel IV, 1264. Brunet III, 190. Ebert 4844 (note). Toderini III, p. 34, no. III.

Stock Code: BN#60721 Schlagwörter: , , , ,