A beautifully illuminated incunable

Paulus Venetus. Expositio in libros posteriorum Aristotelis (ed. Franciscus de Benzonibus & Mariotus de Pistorio).

Venice, Reynaldus de Novimagio & Theodorus de Reynsburch, 14. VI. 1477.

Folio (197 x 280 mm). (179) ff. [instead of 180, lacking first blank]. 2 columns, 50 lines. Rubricated throughout in red and blue. With a large "O" initial (15 lines high) and a 10-line "Q" initial, both beautifully illuminated in blue, orange, green, purple, and gold; decoration extending along the inner margin. Contemporary vellum with handwritten title to flat spine; remains of two ties.


First edition of this important commentary on Aristotle's "Posterior Analytics" by the leading logician of the Middle Ages, Paul of Venice (1368-1428), an Augustinian hermit from Udine and the period's foremost authority on Aristotle. His commentary is the first dated work from the press of Reynaldus de Novimagio (Rainald von Nimwegen), probably in collaboration with Theodor von Raynsburch. It is here edited by Francesco Benzoni e Mariotto da Pistoia.

This copy has a large armorial illumination (a bull Or on a shield Vert, annotated "R.D. ... da Bagno") in the lower margin of the first leaf (slightly trimmed at the bottom). Wants the first blank leaf, otherwise entirely complete. A small wormhole in the blank margin of the first leaves. A beautifully illuminated copy, annotated throughout in several early hands.


HC 12511*. Goff P-212. GW M30316. BMC V, 253. BSB-Ink P-93. Proctor 4427.

Stock Code: BN#60090 Schlagwörter: , ,