Baldacci, Antonio, Italian botanist and geographer (1867-1950). Autograph postcard signed.

Bologna, 5. X. 1893.

Oblong 8vo (postcard). 1 p.


To the Austrian botanist Günther Beck von Mannagetta und Lerchenau, head of the Botanical Department of the K. K. Hofkabinett (now the Natural History Museum) in Vienna, thanking him for the final three parts of his "Flora von Südbosnien und der angrenzenden Hercegovina", a series of articles that was published in the Annals of the Natural History Museum in Vienna: "Ella ha avuto la squisita cortesia di mandarmi le iltime tre parti della sua flora della Bosnia del sud e dell’Erzegovina ed io mi affretto a dirle che il suo lavoro mi è riuscito oltremodo gradito [...]".

Baldacci also mentions the Swedish botanist Svante Samuel Murbeck who had published on the flora of southern Bosnia in 1892. Beck's work on the topic was later published in three volumes and translated into Serbo-Croatian and Latin.

Well preserved.

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